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Is It Time To Replace My Furnace?

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Although few people enjoy the experience of dealing with a heating repair, at some point, it makes more sense to just simply replace the unit altogether. Over time, heating repairs can add up to a significant expense, and if your unit is older, you may find that those repair bills are coming more frequently. And, since the average furnace lasts anywhere from 15 to 20 years, replacing your furnace should be something you only do a few times in your entire life.

Fortunately, it can be hard to know when it's time to schedule a heating replacement. Below are a few questions you can ask yourself to determine if it's the right time.

Are Your Energy Bills Going Up?

For a lot of people, your utility bills operate on a rolling average, which means you should normally know what to expect to pay every single month to heat your home. But while the rates from your utility company may be going up, if you notice that your usage is also increasing, that means that your system is having to work harder to heat your home than it has before. While you may be able to ride this out for a few years, eventually, you'll need to replace your system altogether. It's better to do it now, then to spring for heating replacement as an emergency scenario.

How Many Repairs Have You Had?

As mentioned above, heating repairs are inevitable for any system, no matter what it is. But the frequency of those repairs and the cost could mean it's time for a replacement sooner rather than later. One rule of thumb is to add up the amount of heating repairs over the last year. If it's more than 50% the cost of a new furnace, it makes more financial sense to replace all the other than to simply keep paying for heating repairs. Moreover, you also have the advantage of a brand-new warranty that will give you peace of mind for years to come.

Are You Wanting to Upgrade?

Like everything else in your home, heating technology has come a long way. Today's units are much more energy-efficient than they used to be even 20 years ago. This means that, even though you may have to pay for a new heating installation, you might end up saving more money over the long run with an upgraded unit. If you're planning on selling your home in the near future, you may need to eventually get a new one anyway, since an inspector will most likely flag any issues that they see with it and require you to schedule heating repair service before your home can sell. It's better to simply upgrade your unit now and enjoy the benefits.

For more information about heating replacement, contact a local HVAC contractor.
