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Scaling In Commercial Humidifiers: Should You Remove Or Replace?

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A wide variety of industries, from healthcare facilities to hydroponic farms, rely on commercial-grade humidifiers to maintain ambient humidity levels in their facilities. If your business uses a commercial humidifier, problems with scaling can be a constant thorn in your side.

Proper maintenance and occasional repairs can minimize problems with scaling, but in some cases, scaling may necessitate complete humidifier replacement.

What Is Scaling, And How Does It Affect Commercial Humidifiers?

All municipal water supplies contain dissolved mineral content. The actual amount of mineral content in the water supply can vary widely from place to place, but calcium and magnesium can be found in substantial quantities in most water supplies.

As water passes through the humidifier, some of these minerals are left behind as solid deposits, which accumulate on components and interior surfaces. This process is known as scaling. The humidifier's misters and steam cylinder(s) are especially vulnerable to scaling, but it can affect any part of the humidifier system that comes into contact with water.

As these scale deposits build up and become increasingly thick, they can start to restrict the humidifier's water supply. Severe scaling can even cause total blockages. Scale can also build up on the surfaces of humidity sensors, flow control valves, and other vital components, preventing them from functioning effectively.

If left unchecked, scale build can cause permanent damage to your humidifier. For example, if the pump(s) run dry because of a restricted water supply, they can rapidly overheat, causing catastrophic damage to pump motors and impellers.

How Can You Prevent Scaling Problems In Commercial Humidifiers?

The most effective way to prevent scaling issues from affecting your humidifier is to use water with low mineral content. Most commercial humidifiers are fitted with integrated conditioners and softeners that remove minerals before they enter the system. These must be properly maintained at all times. Using purified water is also highly effective but can be prohibitively expensive if your business relies on high-capacity humidifiers.

You should also have scale build-up removed on a regular basis by a professional humidifier repair service. These services use powerful descaling liquids to dissolve mineral deposits and will manually remove thick, stubborn deposits in key components. They will also clean the system's filters and replace them when necessary. Scheduling regular descaling and servicing in advance will save your business time and money.

Unfortunately, even high-end commercial humidifiers have a limited life span, and your facility's humidifier(s) will become more vulnerable to scaling issues as they age. This is especially true if the water supplies in your area have high mineral content, which will force built-in water conditioners to work harder. If your humidifier has suffered serious damage due to scaling, complete system replacement may be more economical than repairing it.

If scaling is becoming a frequent issue for your humidifier despite regular maintenance and descaling, it may be time to invest in a newer, more efficient model. A humidifier replacement service will help you choose the right model for your business and remove and replace your existing humidifier quickly to minimize downtime.

Contact a professional for more information about humidifier replacement
