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Two Trends That Can Make Your Heating Bill More Affordable

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Although you may not keep up with the latest gadgets, there are a number of trends on the heating, air conditioning and ventilation (HVAC) scene that are designed to help make your energy bills more affordable.  As the winter season approaches, it becomes more important than ever to determine what you need to do to keep your heating bills as manageable as possible.  Learning more about trends in the heating sector can help you determine if you should start using one or more of these energy saving techniques right away. Read More»

Three Main Areas Of Your Central Air Conditioning To Pay Attention To

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You want to do all you can to keep your central air conditioning system working well. It should be properly maintained regularly and you want to know what red flags to watch for. By paying close attention to your air conditioner, you can keep it running properly for longer and avoid paying high electric bills. There are three main areas you need to be the most concerned about and this article will go over them for you. Read More»

How To Improve Your AC Unit On Your Own

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Air conditioners are expensive appliances. Many people are tempted to buy a new air conditioner when they notice that theirs is not as powerful as it once was. It can be especially tempting when you realize how new air conditioners are so much more energy efficient. You might be tempted to invest in a modern air conditioner if only to reduce your utility bills. Of course, there are many ways that you can increase the efficiency of your existing air conditioner. Read More»

Four Things You Should Not Do To Your AC

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There are many rumors that you may hear about for AC care and maintenance. These tips from the neighbor or second cousin twice removed may not always be the best advice when it comes to your AC. Things like covering the unit with a tarp, adding an allergy filter or shutting your system off for the fall can lead to potential problems and costly repairs. Here are some of the things that you will want to avoid doing to your AC system: Read More»

How Maintaining Ducts Can Improve Function Of Your Furnace

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These days, you can find a furnace that will run at 98% efficiency. Older furnaces are not built to be as efficient as newer furnaces, so you might think that all you have to do is replace your older furnace to make your home more energy efficient. This simply is not true. You also have to consider how your ducts play into your home’s overall energy efficiency.  How Ducts Can Undermine Efficiency Read More»