If your old air conditioning system is not working that well, early spring is a great time to install a new air conditioning system. That way, when the real hot weather hits, you’ll already have an air conditioning system in place.
Work with A Licensed Contractor
Installing an air conditioning system is a really large job that requires electrical and structural knowledge on the part of the contractor who installs the air conditioning system. Read More»
HVAC repair is not always daunting and complicated. That is, even if you don’t have any HVAC experience, you can probably make some basic repairs to your system. This article focuses on a few simple problems and how you can probably fix them yourself. In many cases, these are repairs you can begin right now, and you don’t need any tools or special supplies.
Weak Airflow
If your system is producing weak airflow, there could be quite a few potential causes. Read More»
It is usually not a good idea to turn off your HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) while going on a vacation because extreme temperatures may affect some of your household items and installations. At the same time, you don’t want to continue running the HVAC at full capacity when you are away; it wastes energy. Here are some HVAC tips to take care of your house and its energy efficiency while away on vacation: Read More»
Have your customers been complaining because it is too hot inside your store? Getting the central air conditioning system repaired in a speedy manner should by high on your list of priorities. The lack of cool air in your building establishment can have a negative impact on your business image, such as by causing you to look unprofessional. Sometimes the most simply things can wrong with the air conditioner and prevent cool air from circulating. Read More»
If you start to experience problems with your air conditioning then you may want to try a few things yourself before you reach for the phone to call an HVAC technician. After you have tried these things, you can call an HVAC technician out to look at your system and fix the problem if you haven’t been able to take care of the issue on your own. Here is a simple guide to trying to take care of easy fixes on your own first: Read More»
Air conditioning repairs are inevitable since air conditioners are machines that will eventually run into problems along the way. Instead of making repairs yourself, though, here are four reasons you should always hire a professional for air conditioning repairs:
No Stress for You: When you hire a professional, they can come out to your home as soon as possible, which means that you don’t have to stress about your air conditioning not working for long. Read More»
If your old water heater is failing, it may not be worth the expense to repair it. Buying a new heater could be a better investment. That gives you a chance to upgrade to a tankless model or a more energy efficient tank. Here are some suggestions for buying a new water heater.
Look For Energy Efficient Tanks
A traditional storage-type water heater always keeps water heated so it’s ready when you want it. Read More»
If you have an overhead crawlspace or attic, you can add some insulation to increase energy efficiency of your home. Ultimately, insulating your attic can help decrease your heating and AC bills dramatically. If you want to do the work on your own, you can make the project more cost effective and do a few random things that should help increase the effectiveness of your new insulation. This article explains how to add insulation to your attic. Read More»
There are few issues that can make your home more uncomfortable during the summer than problems with your air conditioning system. Unfortunately, it can be common for homeowners to take this part of the home for granted until a serious problem arises. To help you be a better informed and more responsible homeowner, you will want to make sure to utilize these three air conditioning tips.
Understand The Importance Of Having Your Air Conditioner Serviced Each Spring Read More»
As fall turns into winter, you may find yourself turning the heat in your home up a little more each day. While the high heat usage will keep you nice and warm, it can wreak havoc on your energy bill. While you may not be able to have the heat as high as you’d like it if you’re trying to bring down your big bill, you won’t have to freeze. Read More»